10 Years ago today, Americans put their differences aside to mourn a series of horrific events that were supposed to break our nation apart. Instead it bound us together and made us stronger, reminiscent of when our country first began. Today, I look at the news and facebook and such, and all I see is stupid democrat this, or idiot republican that. But in the end, none of it matters. Terrorists, mother nature, they don't care who you are going to vote for. For one day, let's stop the stupid arguing about everything, and show the true qualities of the US- compassion, perseverance, and pride. Let's use this day to honor those who have lost their lives (both home and overseas), to support those protecting us today, and to hope for a bright and united future.
It’s so strange for me to think how someone who has been around for my entire life is gone. A staple of all holidays, always smiling and watching us crazy young kids make fools of ourselves. One of my greatest wishes is to be able to see those who helped raise us when they were younger. I know with Uncle Joe I would have met a fun-loving, sweet boy, because that’s how he was as an adult, and so much more. He built a loving family around him, and raised his kids into amazing adults that I am proud to say I am related to. Even in the last few years, as he became more distant from us, he was always there for a hug and a kiss and a beer.
I have been in China for 13 months now, and the most difficult part of being here is not being able to be home for my family when they need me. I know that being home would not have changed the course of events, but I am so miserable that I cannot be there to add one more hug to those who have been most affected by this. Today, my boss asked me if I would consider coming back to China after my contract was finished. I told him flat out no. I love my students, and the experiences I have had here, but neither of those can compare for the love I have for my family. While I might still teach overseas one more year, it will definitely be on the same side of the world, so if, God forbid, something happens again, I can be there.
I’m so glad for the time I was able to spend with Uncle Joe, and while I wish he could still be with us, I am glad he is at peace. I know he will be remembered and loved by so many, and I am honored to be sharing in those memories. We lost a wonderful man, but we keep treasured memories among us, and through that, Uncle Joe will never truly be gone.