Intensive is not fun. Would I rather be chewed on by a thousand ants while an elephant sat on my head? Nah, probably not. But still, intensive is not fun.
What is intensive? Intensive is three months during the summer and two months in the winter when, because school is out, we work a lot more hours and have a lot more classes. Remember, I work for a company, not for the school system. I’ve mentioned it before, but think of it this way: growing up, we went to piano or gymnastics or karate after school, yea? Chinese students go to English class (and for some very unlucky ones, extra classes for math and such). Personally, I have so many thanks to give for not being raised in the Chinese education system. Ten hours of classes, plus copious amounts of homework everyday? No thanks, I prefer to be seen as a stupid American.
Anyway, back to Intensive. We have extra classes for all grade levels, in addition to their usual ones. The students don’t have to do them, but of course they are “highly suggested”- think summer camp, a bit. They are called Life Club (we actually have these life clubs throughout the whole year for adults, but this is the first time we are doing them for kids). The topics are usually things that we don’t cover in the regular course, and in my eyes, are usually more fun. Nothing beats a morning of teaching adults how to play BS and poker ( Oh wait.. sleep does..).
Today, myself and another teacher taught a “Life Club” lesson for a group of 10 year olds. What life lessons do kids need to learn? Why, finger painting of course! That’s right, my “teaching” today involved a couple quick games on colors, and then painting. Ahh, this is the life. Other than painting, we are doing other cool things with the kids, like talking to the museum and making “dumplings” (which will be filled with chocolate and such). All in all, not a bad way to spend all your extra hours at school.
What is intensive? Intensive is three months during the summer and two months in the winter when, because school is out, we work a lot more hours and have a lot more classes. Remember, I work for a company, not for the school system. I’ve mentioned it before, but think of it this way: growing up, we went to piano or gymnastics or karate after school, yea? Chinese students go to English class (and for some very unlucky ones, extra classes for math and such). Personally, I have so many thanks to give for not being raised in the Chinese education system. Ten hours of classes, plus copious amounts of homework everyday? No thanks, I prefer to be seen as a stupid American.
Anyway, back to Intensive. We have extra classes for all grade levels, in addition to their usual ones. The students don’t have to do them, but of course they are “highly suggested”- think summer camp, a bit. They are called Life Club (we actually have these life clubs throughout the whole year for adults, but this is the first time we are doing them for kids). The topics are usually things that we don’t cover in the regular course, and in my eyes, are usually more fun. Nothing beats a morning of teaching adults how to play BS and poker ( Oh wait.. sleep does..).
Today, myself and another teacher taught a “Life Club” lesson for a group of 10 year olds. What life lessons do kids need to learn? Why, finger painting of course! That’s right, my “teaching” today involved a couple quick games on colors, and then painting. Ahh, this is the life. Other than painting, we are doing other cool things with the kids, like talking to the museum and making “dumplings” (which will be filled with chocolate and such). All in all, not a bad way to spend all your extra hours at school.
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